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Accreditation of Courses in Nutritional Therapy

The Nutritional Therapy Education Commission (NTEC) accredits courses against the National Occupational Standards (NOS) in Nutritional Therapy. The National Occupational Standards are developed and updated by Skills for Health, www.skillsforhealth.org.uk which is the Sector Skills Council for the healthcare sector, licensed by the Secretary of State for Education and Skills.

We welcome contact from independent colleges and universities who wish to develop courses, or to submit existing courses, at BSc (Hons) level or higher degree qualification, for accreditation with NTEC. Courses are required to deliver the Core Curriculum, including providing clinical training and to meet the National Occupational Standards.

The Accreditation Handbook provides a full guide to the standards expected and the processes involved.

For information on the fees for accreditation, please contact the NTEC Administrator

Please note that the NTEC has adopted the processes and procedures of the Nutritional Therapy Commission. Therefore all reference in documentation that refers to the ‘Nutritional Therapy Commission’ or ‘NTC’, should now read ‘Nutritional Therapy Education Commission’  or ‘NTEC’ respectively.

In addition, the NTEC Board has taken over the responsibilities of the NTEC Accreditation Committee.

Overview of the Process

Accreditation is a one stage process and all training providers, whether small colleges or large institutions, follow the same process:

Initially, a Training Provider demonstrates a commitment to develop a nutritional therapy course so that it can, following an application, be granted full accreditation status by the NTEC.

Accreditation involves rigorous scrutiny of the Training Provider's course, institution and resources. A substantial evidence file is submitted for review, containing detailed information on educational processes, governance and management. This is followed by an Accreditation visit, whereby a team of three assessors visit the training establishment and assess it against a number of essential requirements set by the NTEC. This is designed to verify that the Training Provider is teaching to the National Occupational Standards (NOS) and the NTEC's Core Curriculum.

Graduates of courses that have been fully accredited are eligible to apply for direct entry to the professional register held by the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), which is supported by the Department of Health.

NTEC board members worked with Skills for Health to update the National Occupational Standards (NOS) in Nutritional Therapy and develop a core curriculum for the profession. The National Occupational Standards are developed and updated by Skills for Health, www.skillsforhealth.org.uk which is the Sector Skills Council for the healthcare sector, licensed by the Secretary of State for Education and Skills.

We welcome contact from independent colleges and universities who wish to develop courses, or to submit existing courses, for accreditation with NTEC. Courses are required to deliver the Core Curriculum, including providing clinical training and to meet the National Occupational Standards.

Other Useful Resources

The Accreditation Handbook provides detailed information on the process.

The following are key documents for the process:

Accreditation Mapping Document

Application Form

National Occupational Standards
CNH1 Explore and establish the clients needs for complementary and natural healthcare
CNH2 Develop and agree plans for complementary and natural healthcare with clients
CNH8 Provide Nutritional Therapy to clients
CNH9 Prescribe nutraceuticals to clients

Core Curriculum

NOS Quality Control on Assessments

The SEEC FE-HE descriptors

Contact Details

Please contact us by email or post
Email: info@nteducationcommission.org.uk

Nutritional Therapy Education Commission
BM Box 3304

NTEC Chair

Prof. Justin Roberts Ph.D

Professor of Nutritional Physiology

BANT Registered Nutritionist


NTEC is an executive agency of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine. 
BM Box 3304 London WC1N 3XX

Registered in England: 3333951  Registered Address: 18 Hyde Gardens, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4PT

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